Tuesday, March 7, 2017


As the month of March is Kidney Awareness Month, I thought I should give a little update on our kidney adventures.I wish I could say we have had a miracle and someone is giving Rick a kidney, but that is not the case.  In fact, Rick has been placed on hold on the transplant list.  He is not currently eligible to receive a deceased donor kidney at the present time.  His kidneys have grown too large with cysts that there is not enough room to place a new kidney.  Until he has a Nephrectomy (The removal of his kidneys) he won't be considered for a deceased donor kidney.  We can still look for a live donor and he could  go on dialysis and have the kidneys removed a few days prior to receiving the donor kidney.  The other option is to go on dialysis, have the kidneys removed and be reactivated on the list to receive a deceased donor kidney if a match comes available.

I may gross a few of you out (I apologize in advance) but this may explain what a polycystic kidney looks like comparative to a healthy kidney.  Some polycystic kidney patients have kidneys the size of footballs. Crazy huh!

Please keep Rick in your prayers, no matter what decision is made, it will be difficult for him. The thought of dialysis is extremely frightening for him.  The quality of life that we have come to enjoy will certainly be interrupted.  He is scheduled again for scans which include dye at the end of the month.  He is currently at 9% kidney function and the dye could significantly reduce his function.  He will also have scans to see if the other aneurysm problems in his body are stable.  I will try to keep you posted.

I sometimes feel like I am having a pity party when I write on the blog.  I hope it doesn't come across that way.  In actuality, I feel tremendously blessed that Rick has had so many more years than expected of good health.  He is a positive person and never lets his ailments known to others.  He is very strong and we both know that we have been carried along by our Heavenly Father.  We know we have some pretty hard decisions to make in the near future and along with those hard things we will receive tender mercies from our Heavenly Father as well. God is good and he loves everyone of us and knows our names, our hearts, and our struggles. For that, I am truly grateful.

Thank you to everyone who is rooting for us and praying for us.  We feel your love.  It helps more than you will ever know.